First, I want to congratulate the reader who won Violet Storm as part of the Raven Hunt. *throwing confetti* Congrats, Poohleigh! Hope you love Storm and Isaias.
*Snicker* I feel like Pink with that title. According to my critique partner, I've been so out of commission she thought I was "dead in a ditch." You got to love Celia. She's so smart, funny, and caring. Which is why when I told her my big idea for a scavenger hunt she did not laugh in my face.
Let me tell you guys I am SO EXCITED. The rules are below.
One book will be given to a single winner and one book will be given to the Grand Prize winner who wins a copy of all of the books donated by all authors.
Here's how the hunt will work:
Every participating author will insert the image available at the blogspot (which would be provided) somewhere on their website on 11/23/07 (day after Thanksgiving):
Once found, the readers will email with the link to the author's page showing the image or submit the entry through the blog at
Winners will be drawn from all valid entries on 1/1/08.
Are you excited? I'm excited. *Dancing around bedroom*
Saturday, November 3, 2007
I'm Not Dead
Posted by
Tuesday Morrigan
10:49 AM
Monday, October 22, 2007
Raven Halloween Hunt
I've been a bad author. Haven't done quiet enough promo. So here I go. Everyone who hasn't participated, should participate in the Raven Halloween Hunt. There are tons of prizes available.
Remember, its not too late to play! The games don't end until the end of the month. There are over 80 fabulous prizes! Including… Print books, Ebooks, T-shirts, Jewelry, Halloween Goodies, Gift Certificates, and More! And they're all waiting for you.
Posted by
Tuesday Morrigan
11:08 PM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
My latest baby is finally here and I'm beside myself with happiness. Check out the blurb and excerpt below. I hope you guys love Zacharias and Mila as much as I do.
Monstrous Kink
by Tuesday Morrigan
The kingdom of Krim is unlike any place on earth. Spellbound more than a millennium ago it is hidden away from the world. Only those whose ultimate desires lie within its borders can enter.
Zacharias is both king of Krim and beloved gargoyle Krim Guardian, but by All Hallows' Eve he must marry and mate with a human bride to keep his crown. There's just one problem: Zacharias hasn't felt desire for anyone in over two centuries. That is until he spots darkly enchanting Mila. Then all he feels is lust.
Tempting and wicked, Mila lives her life on the edge. A vagabond photographer she's never stayed in one place long enough to commit. When life drops her on Zacharias's doorstep, there's something about the chestnut-haired giant that calls to her. And she is more than woman enough to answer.
Each in turn discovers the power of submission to a powerful partner, and find the sort of pleasure only truest love can know.
But a malevolent power does not want the couple together, and it will stop at nothing, not even murder, to make sure the union never happens.
Publisher's Note: This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable: Bondage, domination/submission, spanking, mild violence.
For weeks now Zacharias had tried to pretend that fall wasn't coming now simply because it meant that All Hallows' Eve was right around the corner. The problem was Zacharias hadn't found a female that appealed to him in over two hundred years, but in less than two weeks he had to find a woman and bed her.
That was going to be no problem at all.
Less than twenty minutes later he stood in the midst of a human meat market. All around him females were parading their wares, hoping to be purchased or, in this case specifically, wed.
He glanced at a woman across from him. She was the comeliest of the girls on display. Her smile was vivid and shocking. Her hips were small and graceful. Her breasts were large and firm. She was a woman of perfection. Even in the long dress she wore, Zacharias could see the woman's legs were long and shapely. Arianna was an exceptional woman.
Too bad the sight of Arianna's ruby lips made him want to snarl. It should have made him happy, excited…aroused. But it did none of the above. It made him want to howl at the moon.
The woman was beautiful, sexy, and desirous, but she wasn't what he needed. No, she was another woman in a long line of women who could never satisfy his needs. His gaze moved down the line, looking at the many women the villagers had lined up for him. Not one of the women appealed to him.
"You have chosen one on your own?" The voice belonged to the wizened witch priest who had gathered the women for his perusal.
"No," Zacharias said with a sigh. He ran his fingers through his hair as he eyed the women. One had to be better than the others. One of them had to appeal to him, right?
"I will choose one for the Black Crescent Moon."
"You will choose one now."
Zacharias's green eyes darkened at the priest's bold words. "I will choose one when I am ready. Never think to tell me what to do, human."
The priest backed up at his growling tone. He knew he'd overstepped the boundaries. He had no right to tell the Krim Guardian what to do, but the old man knew of Zacharias's…issue with the opposite sex.
For some time Zacharias had felt there was something unnaturally wrong with him. It wasn't that he liked men. He loved women. Zacharias just didn't get aroused. He had even sought out the priest's knowledge on the subject, only to find he had not been cursed. Zacharias just had not found a woman to stir his blood in centuries. The priest attempted to appease him when a loud commotion broke through Zacharias's thoughts.
The whole room turned around at the sound of the boom.
Zacharias slowly rose from his throne. The crowd parted as he made his way toward the source of the commotion. The priest reached out one feeble hand. His fingers almost touched the thick wool jacket Zacharias wore.
Zacharias turned and stared at the weathered hand seconds before it would have reached him. It stopped instantly. He turned back and caught a glimpse of bright red fabric before the villagers swarmed and blocked his view.
Zacharias didn't realize he'd growled until he saw the villagers scatter and run. They parted and allowed him a view of the newcomer.
She turned toward him and smiled.
He took a deep breath, taking in the scent and sight of the woman before him.
Her midnight hair was in disarray. Her bright red wool coat was dirty and stained. There were black coal streaks on her cocoa face, and her matching leather suitcases were ripped.
She looked like hell.
He took another step toward her.
"Hi there," she said with a fluttering wave. "Thank goodness I stumbled onto this place. I was so lost and scared and then my car broke down and I --" She stopped suddenly. Her mouth dropped open and her eyes widened. "Jesus, you're a big one," she muttered.
Zacharias took a deep, steadying breath and smiled back at her. His eyes almost immediately narrowed. Her scent was thick and strong. She wore perfume, lovely smelling perfume, but beneath that was her scent and it called to him.
Zacharias took another whiff of the woman and rolled it over his tongue. It tasted like perfection. It tasted like home. And it made him feel.
Heat coursed through his veins. Arousal spread through every inch of his body, and desire like nothing he'd ever felt before consumed him.
"I guess I'm not in Kansas anymore," she said with a soft chuckle.
"No, you're not. You're home," he responded.
Want more? Check out the book page. PURCHASE!
Posted by
Tuesday Morrigan
1:41 PM
Thursday, October 4, 2007
So Many Stories, So Little Time
In the last few months I finished a number of stories and signed a number of contracts. I'm excited as heck about all the things I have in store for my very dedicated readers and fans. I wish I had more time to talk about the wonderful things I hope to accomplish, but since I've got so much to do I feel bad even posting this. I can however say that I have two stories coming out in October, Monstrous Kink from Loose Id, and Violet Storm from Changeling Press. And it looks like I'll have three releases in December. Frost Bite, a Christmas story, and The Firm: Nutcracker are coming from Changeling Press and Wicked Intentions, a New Year's Eve tale, from Loose Id.
Okay, back to my current WIP.
Posted by
Tuesday Morrigan
11:53 AM
Monday, August 20, 2007
My Hectic Summer
This summer has been hectic as hell. Despite that I'm not sure I want it to end. I've been MIA in general thanks to deadlines. This summer I signed FIVE contracts for new stories, and one contract for another story to go into print as part of an anthology. Most of the five contracts were for single titles or the first in series.
1. Monstrous Kink - Coming from Loose Id
2. Violet Storm - Coming from Changeling Press
3. The Firm: Nutcracker - Coming from Changeling Press
4. The Firm: Charmer - Coming from Changeling Press
5. Frost Bite - Coming from Changeling Press
I've just finished two brand, spanking new stories that I am waiting to hear about. Cross your fingers!!!
Plus, I have two proposals in the works... I'm such a damned workaholic.
So on top of that I've been desperately trying to keep up with my series. And school started this week. I have been plugging away at the next installment of The Immortal Realm Wars. I have not forgotten. My muse has however!
I do have a goal of writing a free story for my Tidbits by the end of the month. Let's hope all goes well. After editing, it should be available by early September.
Those looking for something by me should check out The Firm: Temptress and Firefighter's Sour. Both available from Changeling Press.
Posted by
Tuesday Morrigan
9:23 PM
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
How Sexy Are U?
This is how sexy I am. Take the quiz below and tell me, how sexy are you?
You Are 71% Sexy |
![]() Your Sex Appeal Is: Extremely High You're very sexy. You just have that certain something that takes over a room. You know how to attract, entice, and keep whoever you want. You are truly appealing. |
Posted by
Tuesday Morrigan
6:19 PM
Friday, July 13, 2007
Short, Sweet, and Straight to the Erotic Point
It's here! Firefighter's Sour is finally available from Changeling Press from yours truly.
Book Summary
When firefighter Niccolo Likoris realized the burning building was falling around them, he knew he had to make a choice. A choice that would change his life and haunt his every step. Forced to let the woman of his dreams know about the winged bones in his closet, Niccolo resigns himself to a life of loneliness.
Damini has searched long and hard for the man who saved her life. When she learns he's secluded himself on a private Fijian island, she jumps at the chance to meet the man of her dreams.
Add one determined young woman, an emotionally scarred preternatural man, and a secluded island together, stand back and wait for the flames.
Niccolo was hot as hell and there was no relief in sight. His hands clenched on the axe he held as he strode through the stifling hall. The burning heat made his skin itch and sweat. He blinked away the sticky moisture dripping into his eyes. He loved his job, but there were several aspects of it he did not like.
He did not like the sweat. He did not like the heart pounding wait to find if the fire had taken another life. He did not like the sense of helplessness that consumed him when he strode into a burning building.
Niccolo stopped short. His extraordinary hearing caught the muffled sound of a low cry. He followed the shuffling sound to the back corner of the small building.
The flames licked the aged wood panels, consuming the wall, devouring the building. He didn't have much time. Any second now the building would fall under the pressure of the demanding fire. He had to get the stranded human out of the house.
He thrust the heavy axe at the burning wood wall. The curling wood gave under the sharp point of the axe. He kept hacking at the wood, using all the strength in his muscular arms to bring down the wall. When it fell, he strode through the hole and entered the burning room. The flames were so high, the room so hot, that for one second he feared he was too late. He couldn't conceive of a human surviving the stifling heat.
Then he heard her cry.
She was in the right corner of the room. The fire had yet to reach her. It was a circle that surrounded her crouched body. Niccolo made his way to her as quickly as he could under the weight of his gear. He squatted low and wrapped his arms around her small body.
When he turned and attempted to leave the room, he found his path had been consumed by the fire. There was no way out. He had a choice to make. He could let the fire suffocate the girl. Or he could stop guarding his secret long enough to make sure she survived the burning building.
There was no choice, really. Niccolo could not let the woman die, even if the cost was one he could not truly afford. He took a deep breath and fought the pain. It was always excruciating. It left him feeling as if his spine was splitting. But it was just his body.
Transforming was painful, but death lasted forever.
His lengthened limbs ripped through the tough flame retardant material of his suit, allowing his golden wings the chance to spread. He flapped his wings twice to stretch the limbs.
The woman looked up with wide, shocked eyes.
"It's okay. I won't let you be harmed."
Her eyes slowly fluttered closed. The toxic fumes from the fire were too much for her lungs to handle. Then again she might have passed out from the sight of a giant winged man. He grimaced when he thought of that. The look in her eyes had been more shock than fear.
Winged man it is…
Tuesday Morrigan - "Multicultural Romance that's Naughty and Nice." - Coming Soon: "The Firm: Temptress" - Eve's Spawn
Posted by
Tuesday Morrigan
10:46 AM
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
4th of July
Happy Independence Day, America! Happy 4th of July to everyone else. I hope you all are spending the holidays relaxing. I've uploaded the Wild Wednesday Hotties for the week and they are Tyson Beckford and Brad Pitt. In my mind the two are very "all American". I figured it was suiting for the holiday occasion.
For those of you who have been waiting and asking, Temptress is finished its second round of edits. Thus, it should be coming soon to a computer near you.
On another note is it just a little ridiculous that I desperately want to see the transformers' movie? Sometimes the little child in me comes out and takes over...
Posted by
Tuesday Morrigan
10:48 AM
Friday, June 29, 2007
Lovely Covers, Contests, and Editors
I'm proud to say that I have a BRAND new cover. It's for Temptress and its so perfect, I'm busting at the seams with pride. The artist is Zuri. She's amazing!!!! You can check it out on my updated site.
On another note, I have a brand new contest for my Tidbits. I just realized I have over 100 members and I must CELEBRATE the occasion. So I'm giving away one of my e-books, any one of my e-books from the my backlist to the lucky randomly chosen Tidbit at the end of July. There is no need to enter the contest. I'll just throw the numbers in the my illustrious hat and pick one.
The winner will have to get back to me no later than a week after the winner is chosen.
On a third note, I love my editors. I have to say when I finish a story I'm always like "Blah, this is such crap." I always feel that the story would have been much better with a different writer. Then my editors come along and go, "Is this what you meant? Is this the emotion you were trying to convey?" or better yet, "Use this word here."
To all my editors, thank you for putting up with me. I appreciate it SO much! Without you ladies, my stories would not be what they are. Your time and effort makes all the difference.
Now that I've had my chick flick moment, back to my edits and WIPs...
Posted by
Tuesday Morrigan
8:51 PM
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Glossy Winners
Winners! Winners! Winners! I've chosen winners for my Glossy Inspiration contest. Yay!
Jennybrat won for Wednesday's post about Kaelyn, so she will be receiving a copy of The Firm: Rogue and Dawnm won for Friday's post about Antonio, so she will be receiving a copy of Eve's Spawn.
The winners should contact me through their gmail emails that match their user names, since I can't access their profiles.
Posted by
Tuesday Morrigan
11:00 AM
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Glossy Inspiration: Antonio
Every author is inspired by the world around them, even if it's because they want or need to create something strikingly different from what surrounds them.
But some of us are fueled to put the things we see in the world into a story, driven to capture the intensity, the emotion, the lust, and the need on sheets of paper and into a genre we call romance, erotica, or erotic romance.
Jeanne Barrack is one such author and her painstaking (*wink*) adherence to her muse is evident in her work.
Below is Ms. Barrack's own words about the man who captured her heart (and maybe a region a little south) that inspired her to write the lovely, smoldering erotic romances she is known for.
Come and meet Antonio.
Antonio Banderas. Just say the name and you get all sorts of images from the beautiful sad-eyed animated Puss-in-Boots to Tom Hanks' lover in "Philadelphia". But I guess to most people, Antonio Banderas is Zorro and it was "The Mask of Zorro" that made me a devoted "chica" as we call ourselves.
The many roles of Antonio from his Spanish films created by Pedro Almodovar, one of Spain's greatest film makers, to Antonio'saward winning role in the Broadway musical, "Nine" all prove his great diversity of talent. Madonna had the hots for him and that says worlds about his sexiness.
His beautiful eyes and sexy mouth go a long way to his appeal and that accent of his.....! But it's his personality that really clinched it for me. Here is a man who adores his wife and children - and I say children even though only one of the three who live with him and his wife, Melanie Griffith is his. He is a family man par excellence. His sense of humor is wonderful and his loyalty to friends amazing! But his generosity to his fans is incredible.
When he starred in "Nine", 36 of his "chicas" took over the theater after the show for 45 minutes while they talked with him, laughed with him, took pictures, hugged and sang with him. There were *no* cameras in view, no TV stations, no PR people. It never got reported in the trade papers. This was just Antonio being what he always is - a man who loves people, cares for his fans, understands how much he means to them and never forgets how he got to where he is.
Check Out the Excerpt and Blurb Below from: "The Collector 5: The Crystal Flacon"
Abby Foster, owner of Nannies, International, has been commissioned by the secretive Collector to obtain the Crystal Flacon, believed to have been in the possession of the infamous Lucrezia Borgia and to contain a magical aphrodisiac. But why should a nanny be set such a task? Seems Abby has secrets of her own. She also runs Finding Justice, an organization dedicated to returning art and other treasures lost during WWII to their rightful owners. With the specialized skills she's gained, getting the Flacon should be easy. She isn't counting on channeling Lucrezia through visions and dreams or falling for Antonio, duke d'Este, the present day owner of the Flacon.
Antonio d'Este, the direct descendent of Lucrezia Borgia, is a modern man with modern problems. A recent widower, he needs a nanny to take care of his five year old daughter while he prepares for the launching of "Lucrezia", the new scent for Borgia, the family-owned perfumery. Inspired by the stunning Crystal Flacon, Antonio focuses everything on making "Lucrezia" a success. He has no time for the distraction posed by the beautiful nanny or the strange effect making love with her has on him.
When someone attacks the perfumery, destroying property, disrupting projects in an attempt to ruin the company and killing innocent people, they both need a change of plans. Together, using Abby's skills honed while working for Finding Justice, they must find the saboteur, before everything they love is lost.
Abby spoke with Antonio that evening on the phone after he talked with Lucy. Their murmured conversation served only to arouse her passion.
“Bella, are you alone now?”
“Bene.” His voice sank to a whisper. “I’ve shut the door to my office and my assistant has gone home.” Abby heard him take a deep breath. “Where are you?”
“In my room. Now that you’ve spoken to Lucy, she’s snug in her bed.”
“Molto bene. Now, listen well, bella, after all I am your master.”
Abby giggled. “Si, maestro.”
“Are your doors locked? If not, lock them. I want no interruptions.”
“They’re locked. I’m at your command.”
“Eccellente! Strip. Lie down on your bed. Now, moisten your finger and wet your nipples. Circle them until they tighten.” His velvet voice caressed her over the phone. “It’s my lips on them, bella. Suckling them, biting them, licking them. You taste like honey, like wine. You intoxicate me and make me hard. Very hard. Do you want to touch me, too?”
She could barely breathe, much less speak, but she tried. “Yes. Touch your cock for me. Cup your balls.”
She listened hard and heard the sound of his belt unbuckling and his zipper unzipping. His breath hissed and she knew he had his penis in his hand. “Should I continue to touch my nipples, Antonio?”
“Are they hard yet?”
“Oh, yes.” She moaned. “And you, stroke the underside of your prick and pretend my hands are fondling you.”
“Bene. Your hands, your soft hands. Dio, you’re moving them faster, squeezing and stroking me.” His breath came harsher. “No, no more. Take your hands; put them between your thighs, between your lips. Are they wet? Are you damp there?”
She panted. Her heart raced. Images crowded her mind. Antonio was with her. His hands clasped her thighs; his curly head lay between them as he thrust his tongue to lick that soft nubbin. Her hand dropped to her aching pussy. She was wet. Tender. Sensitive to the touch of her own fingers. As they teased the swollen knot of flesh, she moaned again.
“Are your fingers wet? Are you creaming there? Take your fingers and taste the cream. Do you like it? Tell me.”
She whimpered. She throbbed. As if she had no will, her fingers moved to her mouth. Her lips parted and her tongue darted out to taste the moisture.
“Well, tell me.”
“It tastes… exciting. Oh, God, Antonio, I want you here. I need you here.”
“I am there with you. I can see you. You’re like a pearl. You glisten. Your scent is like no other.”
Abby’s hand moved within her. Antonio’s voice urged her on to go faster, harder, deeper. She complied, coming closer and closer to reaching her climax.
“I want you come with me, darling. Close your eyes and pretend we’re together, Antonio. Our naked bodies pressed so close, not even a whisper of air can come between us. You’re in me deep, so deep, so…oh, God.”
He heard that little shudder in her voice and knew she’d climaxed. It sent him over the edge to join her.
But it wasn’t enough.
Not satisfied? Then check out the links below...
Visit at:
The Collector 5: The Crystal Flacon
The Collector series - a journey to magic and romance
Please check out "The Crystal Falcon." Thanks to Ms. Barrack, I've fallen in love with Antonio. Won't you join our affair?
One random commenter will be selected this Friday and this commenter will win: A Copy of my Loose ID release, Eve's Spawn, to support my follow author.
Both the Wednesday and Friday Post Winners will be chosen Friday midnight Pacific time so you still have time to comment!
Posted by
Tuesday Morrigan
10:00 PM
Is the JD Worth It?
There's nothing quite like Law School to make you doubt your dreams and goals. Lately, I've been asking myself is it all worth it? Is this hell really worth having a J.D.?
See my problem is I'm an overachiever. I do everything and I try my damned hardest to excel at it. When I don't do as well as I believe I should have, I try harder, study harder, work harder, but with law school I'm finding that it doesn't necessarily correlate. And I'm not the only one.
There are people here that I know are smarter than me, but not harder workers or vice versa, and we're all looking at our grades thinking, "What the hell?" Some are depressed, some are happy, and some are just full of acceptance.
At this point I'm just wondering how I can go through another year of an unrelentless emotional roller coaster. And I'm the one in my family and friends who is supposed to have the psychological equivalent of a steel spine.
So, I'm asking myself is it really worth it all? Is the J.D. all that freaking important? Too bad I'm an overachiever who's never quit anything in her life...
Posted by
Tuesday Morrigan
9:44 AM
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Glossy Inspiration: Kaelyn
As a reader of fiction, I am always curious about the creation of the story. What exactly inspired the author to create the characters, write the novel, and the tell the story that is told?
When I became a writer I found that I was not the only one who was curious. Suddenly fans were emailing me questions about my stories, telling me how much they liked or loved the characters and asking me how I came up with the hero. Evidently, every one is curious about the hero. Wonder why? *g*
Kaelyn Lionheart was my first hero and for some time I could not quite get him right on paper. I felt like a woman who was dating him, trying to figure out his secrets, but as an author, I wanted to be his wife, know some, but not all of his secrets, but enough to tell his story. It took me many tries to "marry" him. Every draft was better than the last, but none was perfect. That is until I sat down and watched "Remember the Titans."
I love "Remember the Titans." I've seen the movie way too many times to admit to, yet it was like I was watching it for the first time, because when I sat and stared at the screen it was Kaelyn Lionheart I was seeing.
Kaelyn was birthed from the character Ronnie "Sunshine" Bass, played by Kip Pardue. See, Sunshine had Kaelyn's wicked sense of humor, sensuality, sexuality, playfulness and he was smoking hot too!
So Kip is my Glossy Inspiration for Kaelyn Lionheart. So those of you who have read The Firm: Rogue should reacquaint yourself with the character and fall in love with Kaelyn and Kip Pardue all over again, because in my mind they are ONE gorgeous man.
Haven't Gotten the Chance to Meet Kaelyn? Check out the Excerpt Below for a Peak. Remember that commenters will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win The Firm: Rogue
* * *
"He’s probably never seen a helper that looked like you," Santa said with a wide smile.
Nicollet was instantly angered. She knew she didn’t look like the typical helper, but there was no reason for him to comment on it.
"Doubt there are many black people on the North Pole," she said snidely. She was exhausted and starving. On top of it all, being around him was starting to make her feel sexually needy.
And she was never good when horny and irritated.
Damn. She was really starting to hate Christmas.
"That’s not what I meant," he said, glancing around. Kaelyn had seen that look in Nicolett’s eyes before. She was livid. Usually, an angry Nicollet meant quickly settled cases, but he wasn’t so sure he wanted her to settle his case so soon.
"What did you mean?" she asked, folding her arms beneath her breasts.
It took Kaelyn a moment to concentrate. Her new stance pushed her breasts up so they sat above the scooped neck of her red shirt. He immediately felt his cock stir. His mouth watered with the need to tongue those gorgeous mounds.
"Is it because I’m bigger than all the other helpers?"
"What?" he damn near yelled at her. How could she think she was fat? How could she think he believed she was fat? He had to stifle the urge to growl the truth at her. Unlike the rest of the female attorneys at the firm, Nicollet Edenton had the kind of body he could spend hours inside without fearing he would break her.
"I didn’t mean that either," he whispered as he darted a glance around. People, children included, were beginning to throw curious looks their way.
"Then what exactly did you mean?" she asked, tapping her toes. The seconds seemed to drag on forever as she waited for him to dig himself out of a hole.
"Promise you won’t sue?"
"What did you mean, Mr. Lionheart," she said in such a monotone voice that for one second he wished for the anger. At least then you knew what you were dealing with.
Kaelyn’s indigo blue eyes heated with stark desire. He started at her black leather knee-high boots and allowed his gaze to roam up her body, making sure he stopped at the delicious points in between. When he reached her face there was no doubt in either of their minds what he meant.
"Oh," she said breathlessly.
Not once in her twenty-seven years had anyone ever looked at Nicollet the way Kaelyn Lionheart had just looked at her. As if he wanted to feast on her and spend an unheard of amount of time tasting her erogenous zones.
"Behave yourself," Nicollet said as she felt the heat creep into her face. "Santa is supposed to be nice, not naughty," she warned, shaking a finger at him. The rogue had the nerve to wink at her.
Check Back Thursday and Friday for new posts. This Friday's post will be another Glossy Inspiration. This one from Jeanna Barrack. Come find out which sexy Spanish superstar inspires her fabulously wicked stories.
Posted by
Tuesday Morrigan
9:54 PM
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Sexy Nerds
I've decided I have to write a story about sexy nerds. Since I'm really a paranormal erotic romance author I'm going to have to write a story about a paranormal sexy nerd. Hmm...
This line of thinking is a result of looking up smoldering pics to post to my yahoo group. (Join! Join!) Today's Wild Wednesday Hotties are Tom Welling and Jared Padalecki. Suddenly I'm seeing Good o' Jared in a new light, an inspiring light that is.
I had a hard time finding fan-yourself pics of Tom Welling. I spent literally two hours searching for pics. Found some that were sexy but wholesome and well I wasn't looking for pics I could show my grandma.
So, I was frustrated and not the good kind when I started searching for Jared's pic. Boy, did I get knocked over when I started looking them up. See, I'm a huge fan of his show "Supernatural," but I'm a personal fan of Dean's, Jensen Ackles. And when I say fan, I mean you-have-to-go-to-church-for-prayer for the dirty thoughts you've been thinking "fan". The dreams that boy has starred in...
Back to reality...I was de-fin-ately surprised when I saw what little Sammy was hiding beneath his flannels.
Don't believe me?
Check it out.
....Sorry! Took me a moment to stop drooling. To DIE FOR isn't he? Like I said, it just kind of smacks you in the face.
Now I can't wait for next week's hotties. Got any suggestions?
Posted by
Tuesday Morrigan
10:38 PM
Labels: erotic romance, jared padalecki, sexy nerds
Friday, May 25, 2007
Welcome Introduction
Hey There,
My name is Tuesday Morrigan and this is my blog. Pure. Simple.
I'm an erotic romance author published with two e-publishers, Changeling Press and Loose Id. My first story, The Firm: Rogue, was published by Changeling Press in December 2006, and I am still estatic about it. My second story, Eve's Spawn came from Loose Id, less than three months later in February 2007. I have been steadily writing ever since.
A little background information: Tuesday is my pen name. My less interesting alter-ego is a law student in northern California. I just finished my first year. Wohoo! I accomplished, the almost-impossible. I, Tuesday Morrigan, survived the worst, first year of law school. So some of my blogs, fortunately or unfortunately, will be about law school. But most of my blogs will be about writing...finishing stories, starting stories, researching stories, and all the cool things that go on in this neurotic writer's head.
Oh yeah! There will be posts about the random things that go on in my head. Those will be the most fun.
Until next time...
Posted by
Tuesday Morrigan
6:52 PM